2016年10月21日,由Dot Connector(上海华昂商务咨询有限公司)主办的“2016首席信息官峰会”继上海站之后来到了北京,在北京金茂万丽酒店成功召开。本次峰会以“数字化浪潮中的整合与转型”为主题,吸引了来自国内外180余名不同行业的首席执行官、首席信息官、首席信息安全官等企业高级主管参加。
会议开始,首先由Dot Connector的总经理杨晨华先生带来了开幕致辞,提出了本次峰会的目的及期许,然后一场生动的专题采访为我们揭开了变革型CIO所具备的领导力风格,赛诺菲亚太区CIO施荣给我们带来了他从业年多年的经验之谈。随后是来自于不同行业的先锋企业CIO所带来的主题演讲。
UCloud架构总监王凯、礼来公司业务信息分析及运营总监柳智晓、探路者信息总监张航、Hulu北京研发中心研发总监周涵宁带来了主题为“首席信息官们如何应对数字化时代下的挑战?”的小组讨论,就“来自数字化颠覆,企业重组,企业内部沟通等的挑战”、“IT转型战略:从企业问题,如何处理商业伙伴问题,培养团队,新旧IT模式的差异 以及外部合作伙伴的重要性”等问题展开。
金风科技风机业务IT总监Hill Niu、叮叮旅行CEO廖浩、三全食品CIO张辉平、中国蓝星集团股份有限公司CIO陈一夫 从“面对企业重组和快速变化的经济局面,IT如何重新定义角色和价值以更好地支持乃至领导业务转型”、“大数据时代下,首席营销官需要首席信息官在数据分析方面给予支持以更好地定位客户,制定科学的全渠道营销战略”等角度分享了他们对“IT如何重新定位以适应业务需求”主题的看法。
The following is the agenda of the summit::
7:30-8:55 Registration, exchange breakfast
8:55-9:00 Opening speech
9:00-9:20 Special interview: CIO face to face with transformational leadership style embrace the digital age diversity
Shi Rong CIO, Asia Pacific, Sanofi
9:20-9:40 Keynote speech: NTT global ICT solutions help China "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy
Jun Nojima,Vice President,Global Business,NTT Communications
9:40-10:00 Keynote speech: an integral part of the performance platform for digital transformation
Wei Wei, general manager of Greater China, Dynatrace
10:00-10:20 Theme speech: business operation and maintenance to build a business to IT early warning and positioning of the green channel
Zhang Yaxian, general manager of Beijing branch, Yun Zhihui
10:20-10:40 Tea Break
10:40-11:20 Theme speech: the way of digital enterprise lean and agile
Hu Yamei, China CIO, GE petroleum and natural gas group
11:20-11:40 Theme speech: Service China, connecting Hongkong, to the world
Fan Jiancheng, senior solutions consultant, Hongkong Telecom
11:40-12:00 Keynote speech: application of information technology in industrial transformation and Upgrading -- cool and intelligent C2M business ecosystem
Li Kepeng, vice president, cool Institute of Intelligent Technology
Forum: data and security
13:30-14:00 The challenge and response of mobile management
Tian Wenyu, deputy general manager, Shanghai Chi Yan Information Technology Co., Ltd.
14:00-14:30 Big data, big mistake? --- the trap in big data application
Qiu Baojun, assistant vice president of CIO&, Gome group
14:30-15:00 Risk analysis of Internet security threats
Zhang Chen, technical director of China, Symantec
Sub Forum:Cloud
13:30-14:00 The challenge and future of cloud video conference platform
Lin Kevin, CTO, Shanghai will be the Link Communications Inc
14:00-14:30 Innovative technology to lead the development of data centers
Wu Jian, technical director of North Asia, CommScope
14:30-15:00 Theme interview: Enterprise Cloud practice case sharing and discussion
15:00-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-16:00 Keynote speech: how to integrate and manage enterprise IT solutions & How to choose a good partner
WORTMANN Holger, Asia Pacific IT application director, BOSCH China
16:00-16:30 Panel discussion: how do the chief information officers respond to the challenges of the digital age?
16:30-17:00 Group discussion: IT how to relocate to meet business needs
最后特别鸣谢以下合作伙伴对本次峰会的大力支持:NTT Communications、会畅通讯、香港电讯、Dynatrace、智衍信息、云智慧(北京)、康普、赛门铁克公司、UCloud、云角、Akamai、安畅、中企网络通信技术有限公司、白山云科技有限公司等。